Buying | Selling | Investing | Real Estate | Ottawa



Let’s go shopping! Buying a home is serious stuff and yet it can be fun as well, serious fun! I am here to listen first, and guide second. There are a myriad of considerations, pitfalls, and opportunities in the market place. I am plugged in daily and thrilled to provide you with the vantage point that my time and passion bring.

I do this full time and I have access to resources that the general public simply does not. Having someone working for you, looking out for your best interests, gives you a significant advantage. I would certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and see if there is a fit for you. Going forward, I will be by your side from getting a pre-approval from the bank all the way to closing day. You can count on me to take care of the details and protect your interests. I work by referral and your satisfaction is my guarantee of future business.

I look forward to talking with you soon.